Tigers in the City (2012)

01/01/2012 (SK) 1h 25m
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A brilliant character comedy about friendship set in Bratislava, Slovakia.


Three friends about to turn 30 call themselves animal names: Badger, Hyena and Pigeon. They like to spend time in their favorite bar in the Bratislava city Zoo, and they starve for a serious relationship, a soul mate for life. Hyena is a virile macho, employed as a tiger feeder and seducing women never was a problem for him. In this matter the other two, Badger, a prosecuting attorney and Pigeon, employed as a water bicycle keeper, are far less successful. Times are about to change for Badger, who after years of fantasizing about a woman's voice in the radio finally decides to meet her in real life. As the friends closely follow Badger's new adventure, they discover, that a man is trying to kill him, because of his extensive zeal in persecuting local mafia at court. The killer happens to be the husband of the radio speaker, with whom Badger just started a romance. It is an absurd world full of funny coincidences, in which a story of falling in love becomes a matter of staying alive.

  1. Juraj Krasnohorský


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Tigers in the City

Original Title Tigre v meste

Status Released

Original Language Portuguese

Budget -

Revenue -


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