Best in Bed (2014)

TP 01/15/2014 (FR) Comedy 1h 31m
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Raised to believe in performance and in the idea that all abilities must be optimized, Emma is a young, methodical woman who appears determined and relatively sure of herself. But two consecutive failures (real or imagined) lead her to believe that she has a real problem: she is useless in bed. Because she is more fragile than she appears, Emma hence decides to become... the best lay in Paris! She then sets out on a formidable plan of action (theory, practical, validation of acquired knowledge), which soon provokes a series of misunderstandings and disasters within her immediate vicinity. For one thing, her method doesn't turn out to be really adapted to her field of investigation. And Emma has probably also forgotten a little detail: love doesn't obey any plan. In this absurd and nutty quest, Emma will learn to let go, to lose control, and, to finally win her freedom.

  1. Delphine de Vigan


  2. Delphine de Vigan


  3. Chris Esquerre


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Best in Bed
Best in Bed

Original Title À Coup Sûr

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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