Corpse for the Lady (1964)

08/19/1964 (IT) Comedy 1h 27m
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Laura is the victim of a blackmail, asks for help to her childhood friends Renata, Marina and Giovanna in the meantime become a nun to collect the amount requested.

  1. Mario Mattoli


  2. Roberto Gianviti


  3. Franco Enna


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sylva Koscina

    Sylva Koscina

    Laura Guglielmetti

  2. Sergio Fantoni

    Sergio Fantoni


  3. Scilla Gabel

    Scilla Gabel


  4. Sandra Mondaini

    Sandra Mondaini


  5. Elsa Vazzoler

    Elsa Vazzoler

    Costanza Borsotti

  6. Francesco Mulè

    Francesco Mulè

    Augusto Ferrante

  7. Toni Ucci

    Toni Ucci

    Michele, marito di Marina

  8. Piero Mazzarella

    Piero Mazzarella

    Tommaso Borsotti

  9. Rosalba Neri

    Rosalba Neri


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Corpse for the Lady
Corpse for the Lady

Original Title Cadavere per signora

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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