The Sheldon Kennedy Story (1999)

10/02/1999 (CA) Drama 1h 33m
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Alberta (Canada) rural farm-boy Sheldon Kennedy feels abused by dad when punished for poor performances compared to big brother Troy. being recruited for professional ice-hockey at age 14 seems an ideal way out, straight to a party animal's good life. Yet after a Vegas marriage with Jana and hearing she's pregnant, Sheldon breaks down and tells her what's eating at him for years: coach Graham James, whoa arranged for him to be transferred each time James was, sexually abused Sheldon, who fears to be laughed away as a queer and loose his only career avenue if he goes public

  1. Norma Bailey


  2. Suzette Couture


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jonathan Scarfe

    Jonathan Scarfe

    Sheldon Kennedy

  2. Polly Shannon

    Polly Shannon


  3. Robert Wisden

    Robert Wisden

    Graham James

  4. Brent Stait

    Brent Stait

    Mel Kennedy

  5. Lynda Boyd

    Lynda Boyd

    Shirley Kennedy

  6. Justin Stillwell

    Troy Kennedy

  7. Edanna Andrews

    Sherry Kennedy

  8. Jack Ackroyd

    Verlin Sawchuk

  9. Ty Olsson

    Ty Olsson


  10. View More

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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