Soldati e capelloni (1967)

03/23/1967 (IT) ComedyMusic 1h 37m
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An Italian music promoter has engaged an English rock band who wear their hair short, and since it is the 1960s, people don't like them. The band and the promoter wait for the hair to grow, but in the meantime the lads are called for military service and have their hair cut again. They decide to call themselves I Galeotti (the convicts).

  1. Ettore Maria Fizzarotti


  2. Giovanni Grimaldi


  3. Augusto Caminito


Top Billed Cast

  1. Patrizia Valturri

    Patrizia Valturri

    Lina Pica

  2. Aroldo Tieri

    Aroldo Tieri

    sergente Alberto Caputo

  3. Lia Zoppelli

    Lia Zoppelli

    Dolores Pica

  4. Gianni Agus

    Gianni Agus

    colonnello Ortega

  5. Valeria Fabrizi

    Valeria Fabrizi

    Concetta Sciortino

  6. Luigi De Filippo

    Luigi De Filippo


  7. Diane Bond

    Diane Bond


  8. Franco Giacobini

    Franco Giacobini

    Franco, il barbiere

  9. Fiorenzo Fiorentini

    Fiorenzo Fiorentini

    direttore del locale notturno

  10. View More

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Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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