The documentary "A boy like her" is about the Icelandic boy Halldor who believed from a young age that he was a girl. When he came to realize that his gender would not change even if he prayed and wished he soon realized that he only had two options in life - to take his own life or to undergo a sex-change. As a teenager he went through terrible periods and people around him started to ask questions about what was wrong. He did not dare to tell his parents, family and friends that he was girl. He decided to move abroad and live as a girl in foreign countries. At the age of twenty he realized he had to return home and face his past. With the population of only 320,000 people, returning home was not easy. Only about 20 Icelanders had undergone a sex-change and he wanted to become of of them
Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir
Director, Writer
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Original Title Hrafnhildur- heimildarmynd um kynleiðréttingu
Status Released
Original Language English
Budget -
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