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When the bank clerk Klaus Helwig is arrested on suspicion of embezzlement, his son Heintje, whose mother died at birth, comes to his grumpy grandfather's house. Heintje manages to win his heart and prove his father's innocence..

  1. Hans Heinrich


  2. Barbara Anders


Top Billed Cast

  1. Heintje Simons

    Heintje Simons


  2. Heinz Reincke

    Heinz Reincke

    Klaus Helwig

  3. Gerlinde Locker

    Gerlinde Locker

    Renate Ahrens

  4. Paul Dahlke

    Paul Dahlke

    Friedrich Wilhelm Berthold

  5. Helmut Förnbacher

    Helmut Förnbacher

    Robert Engelhardt

  6. Christiane Rücker

    Christiane Rücker

    Roberts Freundin

  7. Jan Hendriks

    Jan Hendriks


  8. Agnes Windeck

    Agnes Windeck

    Mrs. von Schleinitz

  9. Martin Jente

    Martin Jente


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Heintje - Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen
Heintje - Einmal wird die Sonne wieder scheinen

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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