Translations 1

English (en-US)


Alibaba Aur 40 Chor

Alibaba Aur 40 Chor - the cleverest are the richest

Intelligent Alibaba was poor while his greedy brother Kasim was rich. One day in the forest, Alibaba discovered the magic passwords to enter the treasure cave of dacoit Zakali and his 40 thieves. Using the words, 'Open Sesame', he entered the cave, took gold coins and walked away by saying, 'Close Sesame'. Greedy Kasim tries to replicate the same but is killed by Zakali. Alibaba manages to bring Kasim's dead body outside the cave but Zakali traces the missing gold coins back to his house. Alibaba's wife Marjina manages to keep the thieves at bay for some time but Zakali enters the house in the guise of an oil merchant. he 40 thieves hide in the oil jars brought by Zakali, Do Zakali and his 40 thieves kill Aibaba and Marjina? Will Alibaba manage to outwit the thieves and avenge his brother's death?

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