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The Book of Zombie (2010)

06/05/2010 (US) Horror 1h 1m
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A small, sleepy Utah town gets an undead wake-up call when all of the townspeople of Mormon faith suddenly transform into flesh-eating ghouls! Now, a group of 'non-believers' unaffected by the mysterious epidemic must band together to survive the night and answer the burning question: How do you kill a Mormon zombie?

  1. Scott Kragelund


  2. Paul Cranefield


  3. Erik Van Sant


Top Billed Cast

  1. Brian Ibsen

    David Driscoll

  2. Larisa Peters

    Jenny King

  3. Andrew Loviska

    Darwin Nedry

  4. Paul Cantu

    Charlie Cooper

  5. Elissa Dowling

    Elissa Dowling


Full Cast & Crew

The Book of Zombie

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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