People of the Mountains (1942)

15 02/28/1942 (HU) Drama 1h 28m
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A simple, religious Hungarian woodcutter lives with his wife and boy child with a small community of squatters among the peaceful mountains of Transylvania until a lumber company claims their land and forces them all to become company workers or else leave the land. This 1942 Hungarian film takes a detailed and unflinching look at the hardships of mountain living, and the realistic approach proved influential to the Neorealist movement in Italian cinema. Hungarian master director Istvan Szots won the Biennale Cup at the Venice Film Festival for his auspicious debut, but the film was banned by the Nazis as "too Catholic" and not publicly exhibited until after World War II.

  1. István Szőts

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. János Görbe

    János Görbe

    Gergely Csutak

  2. Alice Szellay

    Alice Szellay

    Anna Csutak

  3. Péterke Ferency

    Gergö Csutak, their son

  4. József Bihari

    József Bihari

    Márton Üdö , Gergo's godfather

  5. Lajos Gárday

    Ádám Ülkei

  6. Oszkár Borovszky


  7. Lenke Egyed


  8. Imre Toronyi

    György Bende, doctor

  9. György Kürthy

    György Bende

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Emberek a havason

Status Released

Original Language Hungarian

Budget -

Revenue -


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