On Holiday (2010)

03/02/2010 (US) 1h 25m
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A young man named Peyton moves to Los Angeles with his girlfriend. Over the course of three years and six parties, Peyton goes into a world of drugs, sex and electronic blues music to find himself.

  1. Brian McGuire


Top Billed Cast

  1. John Hawkes

    John Hawkes

    Wild Bill

  2. Whitmer Thomas

    Whitmer Thomas


  3. Jennifer June Ross

    Jennifer June Ross


  4. Tipper Newton

    Tipper Newton


  5. Jason Bogart

    Random Party Goer

  6. Alex Holdridge

    Josh the Roommate

  7. Harry Dean Stanton

    Harry Dean Stanton

    Josh the Roommate's Dad

  8. Marilyn McIntyre

    Marilyn McIntyre

    Josh the Roommate's Mom

  9. Corby Griesenbeck


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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