Discuss Back to the Future Part II

... and therefore dies at the end of BTTF Part 1!

And so... The Doc and Marty can never return to 1955 a second time... which means that the no longer returning Marty cannot run up to the 1955 Doc and thus stop him piecing together his letter again! ... and so 1955 Doc DOES get Marty's letter and doesn't die at the end of BTTF Part 1! ... but hang on, that means the Doc and Marty CAN return a second time... etc, etc... 🤔

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This can be argued a dozen different ways. Conjecture I admit but for all we know 1955 Doc sending Marty back to 1885 to save his 1985 counterpart having heard the Almanac story prompts him to tape the letter back together. Telling Marty "I thought, what the hell" at the end of BTTFII was Doc protecting Marty from knowing what was going to happen.

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