Despite All That (1999)

10/29/1999 (JP) Drama 1h 2m
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Naoko, female art teacher suffering from bipolar disorder spends her time at home compulsively chopping cabbage. She occasionally then begins cutting herself, causing her husband, Yoshio, to intervene. Yoshio attempts to help Naoko by dressing as a woman, "Yoshiko", in whom Naoko can confide. Yoshio has a low sex drive, and hopes to stimulate his interest by having Naoko dress as a school girl. When so attired, shopping for appropriately adolescent socks, Naoko meets Kimiko, one of her female students. Kimiko's parents have abandoned her, and she stays with a strange man named Tokio. Naoko suggests that Kimiko come to live with her. At their home, Kimiko proceeds to seduce both Naoko and her husband. During a sex session with Yoshio, she binds him and paints obscenities onto his body.

  1. Shinji Imaoka

    Director, Screenplay

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Original Title ぐしょぬれ人妻教師 -制服で抱いて-

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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