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The Double Life of Véronique (1991)

R 11/22/1991 (US) Drama 1h 38m
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Each of us is matched somewhere in the world, by our exact double - someone who shares our thoughts and dreams.


Véronique is a beautiful young French woman who aspires to be a renowned singer; Weronika lives in Poland, has a similar career goal and looks identical to Véronique, though the two are not related. The film follows both women as they contend with the ups and downs of their individual lives, with Véronique embarking on an unusual romance with Alexandre Fabbri, a puppeteer who may be able to help her with her existential issues.

  1. Krzysztof Kieślowski

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Krzysztof Piesiewicz


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The Double Life of Véronique
The Double Life of Véronique

Original Title La Double Vie de Véronique

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue $1,999,955.00


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