The Corporal and the Others (1965)

12 09/03/1965 (HU) Comedy 1h 51m
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PFC Molnár decides his WWII services are over, and with serious money hidden in his hand grenades, he heads to an abandoned mansion where he encounters not only the sour butler but a bunch of others who also try to wimp out of their duties.

  1. Márton Keleti


  2. Imre Dobozi


Top Billed Cast

  1. Tamás Major

    Tamás Major

    Albert / Kovács Dezső

  2. Imre Sinkovits

    Imre Sinkovits

    Molnár Ferenc tizedes

  3. Iván Darvas

    Iván Darvas

    Gálfy Eduárd zászlós

  4. György Pálos

    György Pálos

    Szíjjártó István

  5. László Ungváry

    László Ungváry


  6. László Kozák

    László Kozák

    Imre Gáspár / János Gáspár

  7. Gyula Szabó

    Gyula Szabó

    György Fekete / Károly Fekete

  8. László Márkus

    László Márkus


  9. Tivadar Horváth

    Tivadar Horváth

    Gutnacht (német tiszt)

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Corporal and the Others
The Corporal and the Others

Original Title A tizedes meg a többiek

Status Released

Original Language Hungarian

Budget -

Revenue -


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