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Take the Trash (2008)

A 08/15/2008 (DK) Comedy 1h 20m
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Jesper Jensen is a successful IT salesman who stops at nothing, even if it means backstabbing his best friend. Being number one in the company and having a beautiful wife and a lovely home, Jesper seems to lead a perfect life, but one day his arrogance and self confidence hits him in the face like a boomerang and he loses everything overnight. Jesper is sentenced to do community service at a recycling center with the odd and funny characters Dion, Theodor, and Lotte. At first he looks down on these people and doesn't want to be associated with them. When he begins to loosen up, however, he discovers that he can learn a lot from their straight forward and honest approach to life.

  1. Rasmus Heide


  2. Mick Øgendahl


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Take the Trash
Take the Trash

Original Title Blå mænd

Status Released

Original Language Danish

Budget $1,720,666.00

Revenue -


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