Le Paradis des bêtes (2012)

03/14/2012 (FR) Drama 1h 35m
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Dominique, a formidable and possessive husband and father, manages a large pet store, the Paradis des Bêtes, with his sister. One day he goes too far and disrupts his family.

  1. Estelle Larrivaz

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Stefano Cassetti

    Stefano Cassetti

    Dominique Lenikart

  2. Géraldine Pailhas

    Géraldine Pailhas

    Cathy Lenikart

  3. Muriel Robin

    Muriel Robin

    Stéphane Durand

  4. Valentine Klingberg

    Clarisse Lenikart

  5. Léon Brachet

    Ferdinand Lenikart

  6. Joshua Groléas

    Arthur Durand

  7. Nancy Tate

    Nancy Tate

    Lorraine Sun

  8. Fred Epaud

    Fred Epaud

    Renaud Girerd

  9. Bernard Nissile

    Bernard Nissile

    Policier suisse

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Le Paradis des bêtes
Le Paradis des bêtes

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget $1,600,000.00

Revenue -


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