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40,000 Years of Dreaming (1997)

11/10/1997 (GB) DocumentaryTV Movie 1h 7m
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The British Film Institute Presents The Century of Cinema: Australia and New Zealand


Australian-born filmmaker George Miller offers a personal view of Australian films. He suggests that they can be regarded as visual music, public dreaming, mythology, and song-lines. In extrapolating the idea of movies as song-lines he examines feature films under the following categories: songs of the land; the bushman; the convicts; the bush-rangers; mates and larrikins; the digger; pommy bashing; the sheilas; gays; the wogs; blackfellas; and urban subversion. He then concludes that these films can be thought of as "Hymns that sing of Australia."

  1. George Miller

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. George Miller

    George Miller

    Self - Host / Narrator

  2. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell

    Self - Mythologist (archive footage)

Full Cast & Crew

40,000 Years of Dreaming

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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