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13 years ago, I, Susanne, a German woman, and Jeong Rae a Korean man, fell in love at first sight and promised each other eternity. However, Jeong Rae who had to live as a foreigner in Germany, decided to return to his hometown in South Korea and open a chicken restaurant with his mother. I told him that I will start making a film or file for divorce. We both laughed, but we knew: this is serious. When we got married, we thought that love would overcome all the cultural differences between us, but the reality was not so easy. My parents, who consider Jeong Rae irresponsible for not having a proper job; my mother-in-law Sun Ja, who can't understand a single word I say; our daughter, Hannah, who just wants to have a "regular“ family; and me, feeling jealous of the chicken that Jeong Rae is so passionate about.

  1. Susanne Kim

    Director, Writer

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Status Post Production

Original Language German

Budget -

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