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"The Yang Notes" records a legend about a mythical creature known as the "Shahuadu" (shark-deer). It is said that in western Taiwan, residents often share tales of this bizarre creature that can switch between the form of a deer and a shark; when on land, it appears as a deer, but when it enters the water, it transforms into a shark, retaining a One day, a half-fish, half-deer creature with antlers crawled out from a fish pond filled with black water, slowly making its way towards a town that continuously discharges waste. Is it the manifestation of the mythical creature from legend, or a "fish pond monster" conjured up by the local residents

  1. 杜孟澤

    Director, Story

Top Billed Cast

  1. 林上傑


  2. 林上智


  3. 王淨慧


  4. 郭宇歆


  5. 黃廉凱


  6. 珇睿•巴阿里甕


  7. 林上智


  8. 吳晉熙


Full Cast & Crew

Creature Emerging from the Fish Pond
Creature Emerging from the Fish Pond

Original Title 從魚塭浮出

Status Released

Original Language Chinese

Budget $3,700.00

Revenue -


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