Debate Y Tu Mamá También

This is the first film I have seen them in. I really liked their chemistry and have followed their careers (mostly Gael’s). Both of them still look good now & hope they have another project together similar to this film. Rudi Y Cursi’s more of a comedy.


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I was totally in Love with Diego Luna. I was surprised that Gael was the one who got so much work after this film. I find his face very ugly and wolf0like. I think wolves are beautiful but not people who resemble them lol!


Interesting film. That scene wherein the two buddies kiss has its shock value. I imagine that they were wrapped up in the eroticism of the moment with the older cousin, and they just kinda got carried away. The next morning, Julio and Tenoch wake up next to each other in bed, and I think they both vomited. The narration says after that last meeting, they never see each other again. Some people might've had political issues with these plot points, but I found the ending to be honest, sad and powerful.

I have no political issues with it. I am glad they vomited they are two straight men what is wrong with that? Nothing unless you are a crazy sjw snowflake not dealing with your own issues but telling everyone else how to think about the world. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that they vomited. I almost vomited too at that scene. I didn't like it and the only thing that saved the movie for me was that they were disgusted with themselves. I love the sexy song scene. "Si No Te Hubbieras Ido" bah dah dah dah dahhhhhhh... The point is they were in love with an older WOMAN this was not a gay film. I hate that Americans turn everything into a Gay thing. even disgustingly Burt and Ernie who obviopusly are puppets and are not homosexuals it is just so immature the way that the American public cannot just allow people to have other opinions . My father said that in the 80's people were allowed to have opinions and there were vvery few white supremacists and that the races got along better at least in NYC. I am so glad I left the States a decade ago.

@Satch_the_man said:


Rudy and Cursi is hilarious-they star together in that one too!

@harlemglobetrotter said:

I have no political issues with it. I am glad they vomited they are two straight men what is wrong with that? Nothing unless you are a crazy sjw snowflake not dealing with your own issues but telling everyone else how to think about the world. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that they vomited. I almost vomited too at that scene. I didn't like it and the only thing that saved the movie for me was that they were disgusted with themselves. I love the sexy song scene. "Si No Te Hubbieras Ido" bah dah dah dah dahhhhhhh... The point is they were in love with an older WOMAN this was not a gay film. I hate that Americans turn everything into a Gay thing. even disgustingly Burt and Ernie who obviopusly are puppets and are not homosexuals it is just so immature the way that the American public cannot just allow people to have other opinions . My father said that in the 80's people were allowed to have opinions and there were vvery few white supremacists and that the races got along better at least in NYC. I am so glad I left the States a decade ago.


Yea, reflecting back on the film, I think you're right: Julio and Tenoch were straight, not gay. They acted pretty much straight up until the kiss. That's why I was startled by it. I don't have any problem with anyone being gay... It's just that this film explored the fluidity of sexuality from a certain standpoint. The older woman was very sexy, and the aforementioned scene was full of eroticism. The guys were younger than she was, and when she did what she did, I think that they just went with the flow, even though it was out of character for them. I even think they might've been drinking beforehand, but I'm unsure now. This is why the guys stopped interacting after the meeting wherein we find out that the cousin died -- because that moment was such a breach in their identities, which is a commentary on Mexican male identity, I think.

@Satch_the_man said:

@harlemglobetrotter said:

I have no political issues with it. I am glad they vomited they are two straight men what is wrong with that? Nothing unless you are a crazy sjw snowflake not dealing with your own issues but telling everyone else how to think about the world. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that they vomited. I almost vomited too at that scene. I didn't like it and the only thing that saved the movie for me was that they were disgusted with themselves. I love the sexy song scene. "Si No Te Hubbieras Ido" bah dah dah dah dahhhhhhh... The point is they were in love with an older WOMAN this was not a gay film. I hate that Americans turn everything into a Gay thing. even disgustingly Burt and Ernie who obviopusly are puppets and are not homosexuals it is just so immature the way that the American public cannot just allow people to have other opinions . My father said that in the 80's people were allowed to have opinions and there were vvery few white supremacists and that the races got along better at least in NYC. I am so glad I left the States a decade ago.


Yea, reflecting back on the film, I think you're right: Julio and Tenoch were straight, not gay. They acted straight up until the kiss. That's why I was startled by it. I don't have any problem with anyone being gay... It's just that this film explored the fluidity of sexuality from a certain standpoint. The older woman was very sexy, and the aforementioned scene was full of eroticism. The guys were younger than she was, and when she did what she did, I think that they just went with the flow, even though it was out of character for them. I even think they might've been drinking beforehand, but I'm unsure now. This is why the guys stopped interacting after the meeting wherein we find out that the cousin died -- because that moment was such a breach in their identities, which is a commentary on Mexican male identity, I think.

Good point regarding them doing anything to please the woman they worship. Diego's character had truly been in love with the cousin so I believe that the fact that she died just hit him so hard=it was his first time and Geal's character too. and HOw can you not remember thesexiest scene in the movie that led up to the sex scene in the first place? I haven't seen this since 2002 and I remember it vividly. the scene in the bar?!!! They were so drunk the sweet little family was bringing them countless pitchers of beer and they were dancing drunk withthe cousin seductively-she seduced them in the bar! How can you not remember that. She seduced them in the bar and brought them back to her room. THAT is what happened. They were and she was SO DRUNK and she seduced them to Solis' "SI No Te Hubieras Ido" That is a pivotal scene and the REASON she has sex with them because they are extremely drunk. They get extremely drunk which is why it is ok she is having sex with 2 18 year olds. The point of the story is not to focus on their kiss it is pretty obvious they got so drunk and followed her lead-they would do anything for her- and just were so infatuated with her they would have done anything. But it did destroy their relationship becasue they felt disgusted afterwards. They both were in love with her and when they realized they went too far in pleasing her they were grossed out. What a wonderful film I will not discuss this irrelevant feature ever again. There is extreme narcissism in America with people who identify with a certian sexuality and they insist that films conform to their demands. European films do not conform to trendy political groups demands. Neither do Latin American films. Americans cannot seem to stop obsessing about sexuality. They make every one who disagrees with them a criminal they identify themselves sometimes BY THeITR SeXUALITY and to do so is so stupid it LIMITS you to your sexuality that is WHAT you are nothing more, how shallow and gross. IN Europe we do not have these discussions with gay people as they do not feel the need to intrude on and tell everyone that they are gay. Who cares? we don't.

@harlemglobetrotter said:

@Satch_the_man said:

@harlemglobetrotter said:

I have no political issues with it. I am glad they vomited they are two straight men what is wrong with that? Nothing unless you are a crazy sjw snowflake not dealing with your own issues but telling everyone else how to think about the world. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that they vomited. I almost vomited too at that scene. I didn't like it and the only thing that saved the movie for me was that they were disgusted with themselves. I love the sexy song scene. "Si No Te Hubbieras Ido" bah dah dah dah dahhhhhhh... The point is they were in love with an older WOMAN this was not a gay film. I hate that Americans turn everything into a Gay thing. even disgustingly Burt and Ernie who obviopusly are puppets and are not homosexuals it is just so immature the way that the American public cannot just allow people to have other opinions . My father said that in the 80's people were allowed to have opinions and there were vvery few white supremacists and that the races got along better at least in NYC. I am so glad I left the States a decade ago.


Yea, reflecting back on the film, I think you're right: Julio and Tenoch were straight, not gay. They acted straight up until the kiss. That's why I was startled by it. I don't have any problem with anyone being gay... It's just that this film explored the fluidity of sexuality from a certain standpoint. The older woman was very sexy, and the aforementioned scene was full of eroticism. The guys were younger than she was, and when she did what she did, I think that they just went with the flow, even though it was out of character for them. I even think they might've been drinking beforehand, but I'm unsure now. This is why the guys stopped interacting after the meeting wherein we find out that the cousin died -- because that moment was such a breach in their identities, which is a commentary on Mexican male identity, I think.

Good point regarding them doing anything to please the woman they worship. Diego's character had truly been in love with the cousin so I believe that the fact that she died just hit him so hard=it was his first time and Geal's character too. and HOw can you not remember thesexiest scene in the movie that led up to the sex scene in the first place? I haven't seen this since 2002 and I remember it vividly. the scene in the bar?!!! They were so drunk the sweet little family was bringing them countless pitchers of beer and they were dancing drunk withthe cousin seductively-she seduced them in the bar! How can you not remember that. She seduced them in the bar and brought them back to her room. THAT is what happened. They were and she was SO DRUNK and she seduced them to Solis' "SI No Te Hubieras Ido" That is a pivotal scene and the REASON she has sex with them because they are extremely drunk. They get extremely drunk which is why it is ok she is having sex with 2 18 year olds. The point of the story is not to focus on their kiss it is pretty obvious they got so drunk and followed her lead-they would do anything for her- and just were so infatuated with her they would have done anything. But it did destroy their relationship becasue they felt disgusted afterwards. They both were in love with her and when they realized they went too far in pleasing her they were grossed out. What a wonderful film I will not discuss this irrelevant feature ever again. There is extreme narcissism in America with people who identify with a certian sexuality and they insist that films conform to their demands. European films do not conform to trendy political groups demands. Neither do Latin American films. Americans cannot seem to stop obsessing about sexuality. They make every one who disagrees with them a criminal they identify themselves sometimes BY THeITR SeXUALITY and to do so is so stupid it LIMITS you to your sexuality that is WHAT you are nothing more, how shallow and gross. IN Europe we do not have these discussions with gay people as they do not feel the need to intrude on and tell everyone that they are gay. Who cares? we don't.

It sounds like my analysis of this film is pretty tight from that one viewing about a decade ago or longer... that's cool. My reading of the scene that I find interesting is a bit more nuanced than yours, but hey, it's been awhile since seeing it. Alas, you "will not discuss this irrelevant feature ever again."

I really don't think there has to be a single correct interpretation of the film, as you insist. That just limits the scope and the power of the film.

No, your reading is not more "nuanced, " than my interpretation, clearly. I wish more people understood the meaning of that word. Your interpretation is DIFFERENT haha- certainly not more nuanced than my own. In the States this issue was politicized everywhere else people accepted it for what it was. OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE NOT GAY. I am so tired of Gays in the States insisting people who are not gay in films are "really gay." It is pathological.

My inference that they would have done anything to follow her lead is a hell of a lot more nuanced than your obvious and desperate hyper-focus on the friends' kiss and your misinformation as to its meaning. AFTER THEIR FIRST LOVE DIED of cancer, they decided not to speak not much left in common when you are both in love with the same woman and she dies. Jealousy and resentment ensue, logically. The more nuanced impression is that her death deeply affected them and they were even more disgusted with themselves because not only did they violate their values but _the person in their lives who held the most meaning for them _died*_ _* I am straight; I put myself in the position of Tenoch and if I crossed a boundary of my personal values and beliefs for the love of a man and because I were young and naive, I know that I would feel ashamed and be disgusted with myself and the person with whom I transgressed the core value. especially if he were my first love and he died. It would make one even more disgusted with the other person because he was one's first love and one would want to forget that the other person was even there for the first time with him, HIS/HER FIRST LOVE. This is what both Tenoch and Bernal's character were feeling. Sure they were friends but she was their everything-I do not think you watched the film. I think it is so naive and narcissistic of American gays to assume that they meant that much to each other. Apparently they didn't.

I do not think your interpretation is nuanced at all; I think it is a typical American response to the film. The point is, it is a good film and we enjoyed it. It was a wonderful romance between a boy and a woman. It is a story about two boys' first time with a beautiful older woman and their devastation that their first love died and inability to handle it given their ages.

I will not detract from the theme of the film which is a beautiful woman seducing 2 teenagers who are so attracted to her to the point of infatuation. Discussing something that was not a part of the film just becasue weirdos in the states obsess over an issue no one else in the world cares about, does not mean we should. And something two 18 year olds did when they were sh!t faced and in love with an older woman TRYING TO IMPRESS HeR is arbitrary.

What I find most interesting is the fact you do not remember the sexy scene before is truly telling to me. Every guy without fail who has ever seen this film reminds me of "the bar scene." Everyone remembers the seduction scene to Solis' Si no Te hubieras Ido" and most fans of the movie have it on their road/plane trip playlists.

Your insistence that there was anything of import that occurred beyond that two guys were so devastated by the death of their beloved and disgusted that they had gone against their natures and THEIR FIRST LOVE DIED and they simply had nothing left in common is mind- boggling. In the seduction scene at the bar WHICH EVERY STRAIGHT GUY remembers-she seduces them into her room after at least five hours of drinks. They entered in the morning they left the bar at night. There were constant flowing pitchers all day long into the night when she decided to put on THE song and seduce them. They were so drunk they couldn't even dance with her.

The song "Si NO Te Hubieras Ido" became a classicand made Solis an international star becasue of HER seduction scene. the fact that you conveniently forget that they were in a bar drinking for hours and were so drunk is bizarre. It is not as though they went to her room sober or even slightly buzzed they had imbibed for hours. It was daytime when they entered the bar to drink ALL DAY. I have nothing further to say on the matter. Don't kid yourself that you have a nuanced take on anything. Now THAT is funny. I am so tired of Americans passive aggressive way of attacking people using words they do not know the meaning of, really it is so annoying and the world is tired of you.

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