Im Zweifel für die Liebe (2004)

01/01/2004 (DE) 1h 30m
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A widower man wants to cancel the lease of a religious orphanage, but when one of the nuns turns into the babysitter of his children, changes opinion.

  1. Johannes Fabrick


Top Billed Cast

  1. Elmar Wepper

    Elmar Wepper

    Rainer Maria Beerlitz

  2. Saskia Vester

    Saskia Vester

    Sandra Beerlitz

  3. Max Herbrechter

    Max Herbrechter

    Werner Piech

  4. Dietrich Hollinderbäumer

    Dietrich Hollinderbäumer

    Dr. Kuckenburg

  5. Mareike Lindenmeyer

    Mareike Lindenmeyer

    Elena Beerlitz

  6. Elisabeth Lanz

    Elisabeth Lanz

    Carla Piech

  7. Sarah Kraus

    Rosalie Piech

  8. Barbara de Koy

    Barbara de Koy

    Constanze Merklinger

  9. Peter Prager

    Peter Prager

    Herr Sedlitz

  10. View More

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Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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