MARIE (2024)

R 11/01/2024 (US) Science FictionAction 15m
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Someone is always watching...


Invaders from another world roam the skies of an apocalyptic wasteland. Ezekiel, a young Amish man, survives alone - until he comes across a biomechanically enhanced woman named Marie.

  1. Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey

    Director, Writer

  2. Kathleen Grotzinger


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sydney Miles

    Sydney Miles

    Marie / Fantasy Marie

  2. Rayce Lopez


  3. Kyle McKeen

    Willy the Alien

  4. Helen Day

    Helen Day

    Marie's Mom

  5. Aidan Kalisher

    Marie's Dad (Photos)

  6. Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey

    Cartoon 'Specs' (voice)

  7. Danny DiTorrice

    Danny DiTorrice

    Cartoon 'Bobby' (voice)

  8. Paul Walter Dempsey

    Marie's Dad (Photos)

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $60,000.00

Revenue -


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