Atomic Reaction (2024)

2024-10-24 (CA) Documentary 1h 30m
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Canada’s significant role in the Manhattan Project and the fallout seventy-five years later.


Atomic Reaction is a compelling documentary that delves into Canada's clandestine involvement in the Manhattan Project and its role in the creation of the world’s first weapons of mass destruction. Hot on the heels of last year’s Oscar-winning film Oppenheimer, this timely investigation of Canada’s complicity traces the connection from Gilbert LaBine’s 1930 discovery of a rare radium deposit in the Northwest Territories to today’s ongoing 2.6 billion dollar nuclear waste clean-up project in Port Hope, Ontario. Atomic Reaction features fascinating expert interviews, first hand testimonies, and generational accounts to present a nuanced and thought-provoking examination of how these hidden histories have impacted the Indigenous Dene people of the Northwest Territories, Port Hope residents, and other communities worldwide.

  1. Michèle Hozer


  2. David Hatch


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Original Language English

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