The Cherokee Kid

10/30/1927 (US) Western 50m
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Returning to his hometown, Bill Duncan conceals his identity due to a longstanding feud with the Flynne family. He is soon found out and arrested for the murder of rancher Red Flynne. Flynne's estate is bequeathed jointly to his foreman Rolfe McPherson and his daughter Helen. Helen believes her father wished her to marry Rolfe, unaware that he plotted the murder. Clued in by the housekeeper of Rolfe's guilt, Bill escapes and pursues Rolfe who has kidnapped Helen and is headed for the Mexican border. Bill comes to the rescue, brings the villain to justice, and wins Helen.

  1. Robert De Lacey


  2. Joseph Kane


Top Billed Cast

  1. Tom Tyler

    Tom Tyler

    Bill Duncan

  2. Sharon Lynn

    Sharon Lynn

    Helen Flynne

  3. Bob Burns

    Bob Burns


  4. Bob Reeves

    Bob Reeves

    Seth Daggart

  5. Carol Holloway

    Carol Holloway


  6. Jerry Pembroke

    Rolphe McPherson

  7. Ray Childs

    Joe Gault

  8. James Van Horn

    Red Flynne

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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