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The everyday life of the small village of Hurmevaara is shaken when a meteorite falls through the roof of a car one night. According to the town's mayor, the meteorite is very valuable for the future of the slowly dying village. Joel, the village priest, and a veteran peacekeeper, ends up guarding the meteorite in an old museum before it is sent to London for a more detailed evaluation. But a precious meteorite gets a lot of attention... While Joel protects the meteorite from both amateur and professional criminals, he tries to unravel an even greater mystery surrounding his own life. Joel's wife has recently revealed that she, finally, is pregnant. Great news, but unfortunately, Joel is unable to have children due to his war injury. He just hasn't told his wife.

  1. Dome Karukoski

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Antti Tuomainen


  3. Minna Panjanen


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Original Title Pikku-Siperia

Status Post Production

Original Language Finnish

Budget -

Revenue -


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