Masacre de El Amparo: 20 años de impunidad (2009)
The 29 of October of 1988, a group of 14 fishermen of the population of El Amparo, Venezuela, were assassinated by a commando and presented/displayed to the public opinion like members of a guerrilla detachment. The truth of the events was well-known after the testimony of two survivors, but the case was investigated by the military justice that guaranteed the thesis of the confrontation. Later, the Inter-American Court of Human rights vindicates the fishermen and sentences against the Venezuelan State a sentence that 20 years later has been fulfilled partially, being material, intellectual and concealing the authors free and, in some cases, high positions to be able. This is a history of injustice and abuse authority, but also of perseverance and fights to clean the names of those humble fishermen, in spite of the passed time.
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