12 Storeys (1997)

PG 06/12/1997 (SG) ComedyDrama 1h 45m
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The film depicts 24 hours in a HDB block of residential flats in Singapore. There are three main storylines. San San, fat, silent, and alone, hears the ghost of her mother constantly upbraid her. Ah Gu, a tofu soup vendor, is at odds with Lily, his materialistic immigrant wife, who longs for something he cannot provide. Meng spouts every moralistic bromide of the striving middle class, but is unhinged by his teenage sister May ("Trixie" to her boyfriend) who won't study, parties all night, and seems doomed by youth culture.

  1. Eric Khoo

    Director, Writer

  2. James Toh


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12 Storeys
12 Storeys

Original Title 十二楼

Status Released

Original Language Chinese

Budget -

Revenue -


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