From the Valley of the Missing (1915)

NR 03/22/1915 (US) AdventureCrimeDrama 50m
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A baby is left on the Brinbecombes' yacht while they are sailing up the Hudson River, and they adopt him and name him Everett. They are neighbors of Governor Floyd Vandecarm whose twin children, Floyd Jr. and Fledra, were kidnapped in early infancy. Their abductor was Lon Cronk, a man sent to prison by Vandecar when the latter was a district attorney of the county. The twins grow up in Cronk's shack as "Flea" and "Flukey." Despite her rough surroundings Fledra/Flea grows into lovely young womanhood and she and her brother run away from Cronk's cruelty. They reach Tarrytown and peer into the lighted windows of the home of siblings Horace and Anne Shellington. Anne brings the two young vagrants into the house and ultimately adopts them. But Cronk, aided by Everett, wages a long, evil campaign to regain possession of the children.

  1. Frank Powell


  2. Grace Miller White


Top Billed Cast

  1. George Tobin

    Floyd Vandecar Jr. - aka 'Flukey'

  2. Catherine Doucet

    Catherine Doucet

    Mrs. Vandecar

  3. Clifford Bruce

    Clifford Bruce

    Gov. Vandecar

  4. Arline Hackett

    Crabbe's Wife

  5. Kate Cummings

    Cronk's Wife

  6. Robert Cummings

    Robert Cummings

    Lem Crabbe

  7. Riley Hatch

    Riley Hatch

    Lon Cronk

  8. William Bailey

    William Bailey

    Everett Brinbecombe

  9. Harry Spingler

    Horace Shellington

  10. View More

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Original Language English

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