Wujek foliarz (2025)

03/14/2025 (PL) Comedy


Kuba is undergoing mandatory addiction therapy when he is kidnapped by his eccentric uncle – a conspiracy theorist who believes in the imminent end of the world. The uncle and his team of journalists from the "Prawda TV" channel want to involve him in their secret plan to prove that the mayoral elections were rigged. Initially skeptical of his uncle's obsession, Kuba discovers that the village is threatened with a real ecological disaster and decides to act. The situation is further complicated by his former love, Gośka. All this forces him to take matters into his own hands and make decisions that he has been running away from so far.

  1. Michał Tylka

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Filip K. Kasperaszek


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Wujek foliarz
Wujek foliarz

Status Post Production

Original Language Polish

Budget -

Revenue -


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