Alter Bahnhof Video Walk (2012)

01/01/2012 (DE) Documentary 26m
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The Alter Bahnhof Video Walk was designed for the old train station in Kassel, Germany as part of dOCUMENTA (13). Participants are able to borrow an iPod and headphones from a check-out booth. They are then directed by Cardiff and Miller through the station. An alternate world opens up where reality and fiction meld in a disturbing and uncanny way that has been referred to as “physical cinema”. The participants watch things unfold on the small screen but feel the presence of those events deeply because of being situated in the exact location where the footage was shot. As they follow the moving images (and try to frame them as if they were the camera operator) a strange confusion of realities occurs. In this confusion, the past and present conflate and Cardiff and Miller guide us through a meditation on memory and reveal the poignant moments of being alive and present.

  1. George Bures Miller


  2. Janet Cardiff


  3. Bertolt Brecht


Top Billed Cast

  1. Ingrid Masuhr

    Older Woman

  2. Werner Dettmar

    Older Man

  3. Tobias Böhm

    Fake TV Crew

  4. Christoph Neugebauer

    Fake TV Crew

  5. Jürgen Wink

    Man in Corridor

  6. Luisa Engelbogen


Full Cast & Crew

Alter Bahnhof Video Walk

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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