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  1. Vincent Primault


  2. Lionel Olenga


Top Billed Cast

  1. Grégoire Bonnet

    Grégoire Bonnet

    Thierry Chevalier

  2. Clarisse Lhoni-Botte

    Clarisse Lhoni-Botte

    Wendy Kabongo

  3. Isabel Otero

    Isabel Otero

    Caroline Laporte

  4. Cyril Descours

    Cyril Descours

    Substitut Albertini

  5. Théo Frilet

    Théo Frilet

    Gabriel Laporte

  6. Arthur Beaudoire

    Arthur Beaudoire


  7. Jeanne Bournaud

    Jeanne Bournaud

    DIPN Huygues

Full Cast & Crew

No videos, backdrops or posters have been added to La Manière forte.

Status Post Production

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


No keywords have been added.

Content Score 


Still needs a little work.

Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US...

  • Overview
  • Poster
  • Backdrop
  • Release date
  • Video

Top Contributors

Popularity Trend

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