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Forget Me Not (2013)

0 01/31/2013 (DE) Documentary 1h 28m
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David Sieveking left home years ago to make films. Now he has returned – and for a reason: To help his mother, Gretel, who has Alzheimer’s, and relieve her long-time carer and his father Malte for a few weeks. The filmmaker takes on the role of carer and documents this encounter with his camera. Gretel no longer knows the people around her, but her puns and charm have not faded. The time spent with his mother becomes a journey into David’s unexpected family history. Once active in Zurich’s left-wing scene, David’s parents enjoyed a lifelong “open relationship”, characterised by a loving distance and mutual respect. VERGISS MEIN NICHT is a film about dementia, but it’s first and foremost a declaration of a love of life and family.

  1. David Sieveking


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Forget Me Not
Forget Me Not

Original Title Vergiss mein nicht

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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