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An HBCU warrior choir fights the Ku Klux Klan's reign of terror against their schools with songs of faith and freedom, and after conquering the world must then conquer their own demons.

  1. Stephen Ashley Blake

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Eugene Simon

    Eugene Simon

    Myron Sheolgate

  2. Nina Toussaint-White

    Nina Toussaint-White

    Julia Hayden

  3. Tongayi Chirisa

    Tongayi Chirisa

    Hiram Jackson

  4. Paul Amos

    Paul Amos

    Clifford Vetter

  5. Gabriel Davenport

    Gabriel Davenport

    Benjamin Holmes

  6. Keivonn Woodard

    Keivonn Woodard


  7. Liyou Abere

    Liyou Abere

    Minnie Tate

  8. Joaquina Kalukango

    Joaquina Kalukango

    Sarah Sheppard

Full Cast & Crew

No videos, backdrops or posters have been added to Steal Away.

Status Planned

Original Language English

Budget $39,700,000.00

Revenue -


Content Score 


We're so close, yet so far.

Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US...

  • Poster
  • Backdrop
  • Release date
  • Video

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