Gokudo Ryuji PART2 (2011)

09/21/2011 (JP) Crime 1h 30m
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Due to successive conflicts, Ryuji Kazama, an executive of the Daido-gumi, has made a name for himself as a fierce fighter in the yakuza world. Saeki, who lives cunningly, schemes to oust the increasingly disliked Ryuji. However, his plot reaches the ears of the Daido-gumi boss, leading to his expulsion, and Fujinami, Ryuji's former junior, also leaves the organization. In Saeki's place, Nagatomo becomes the new Wakagashira, and Ryuji inherits Saeki’s territory. But soon, mysterious meth begins circulating in the area. Ryuji and Tatsuya send three gang members who had joined the territory as Tatsuya’s juniors to investigate the source of the drugs. The shadow of Saeki looms large... Could Fujinami be involved too? A new conflict erupts! The struggle between a yakuza forced into a corner and one who defends his honor intensifies. Will the brutal, chaotic killing spree that shakes the yakuza world ever end? Ryuji, to settle his own score, fires a sorrowful bullet.

  1. Takeshi Miyasaka

    Director, Writer

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Original Title 極道 龍二 PART2

Status Released

Original Language Japanese

Budget -

Revenue -


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