Firebrand (2023)

06/01/2023 (US)
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What if you confronted your inner demon -- and it confronted you back?


Following a bitter argument with his abusive girlfriend, blue-collar gearhead, Theo (Jeremy Dash), embarks on a journey towards self harm - resulting in a dire confrontation with his inner demon. FIREBRAND is the debut narrative short by writer/director Rhett Bradbury, in collaboration with accomplished industry veterans Jeremy Dash and Jonah Schwartz. Set to release in 2023, the film aims to resonate with audiences on a cerebral level as we follow Theo's emotional and existential crisis.

  1. Rhett Bradbury

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Jeremy Dash

    Jeremy Dash


  2. Jeffrey Jee

    The Dealer

Full Cast & Crew


Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $18,000.00

Revenue -


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