Only a Game (1981)

03/24/1981 (GB)
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Play adapted from the diary of Eamonn Dunphy, the ex-Milwall and Ireland footballer. With a new season and a promising team, professional footballer Willy Hutchison has a chance of promotion to Division One The dreams and dramas behind an unfashionable football team's struggle for success.

  1. Les Blair

    Director, Writer

  2. Eamon Dunphy


Top Billed Cast

  1. Fraser Cains

    Fraser Cains

    Gary Rees

  2. David Squire

    Terry Woods

  3. Mark Windsor

    Willy Hutchison

  4. Paul Desbois

    Dougie Shields

  5. Georgie Phillips

    Georgie Benson

  6. Steve Steen

    Steve Steen


  7. Tim Pearce

    Tom Edwards

  8. David Howe

    Colin Barnett

  9. Derek James


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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