Sherbet (2024)

01/18/2024 (GB) 24m
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In what seems like just another late night taxi fare, this particular journey and passenger will ultimately change the course of Rene's life forever.


Set entirely inside the confines of an taxi cab, on what seems like just another late-night taxi fare, this particular trip is anything but, altering the course of the lives of both driver and rider forever. One evening 15-year-old Isa enters Rene's cab and his life. At first, he perceives her as just another annoying 'woke' teenager on what he hoped was another simple and quiet journey, but as a revelation about Isa's situation comes to light, this goes from a dime-a-dozen taxi fare to a life-changing experience that forces Rene to confront things in his life that he has been running from for the longest time.

  1. Danny Gibbons

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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Still needs a little work.

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