Jeune homme (2006)

16 03/22/2007 (US) Comedy 1h 30m
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Finally adult and free? You wish! His father sees him as a future boss of the family-owned printing firm and his mother only wants the best for him. Sebastian can’t take it any more. On his eighteenth birthday he announces his departure to Geneva to work as an au pair in a family, looking after children and doing the household chores. To improve his French, of course! His father flips his lid, his mother is distraught. Only his sister Kathrin thinks her little brother is really cool…

Very few men would be up to the challenge!

  1. Christoph Schaub

    Author, Director

  2. Elisabeth Diot


  3. Maya Todeschini


Top Billed Cast

  1. Alexandra Vandernoot

    Alexandra Vandernoot

    Madleine Dumoulin

  2. Didier Flamand

    Didier Flamand

    Hugues Dumoulin

  3. Jennifer Decker

    Jennifer Decker

    Elodie Dumoulin

  4. Hanspeter Müller

    Hanspeter Müller

    Ernst Zollweger

  5. Matthias Schoch

    Sebastian Zollweger

  6. Chloé Drevon

    Mahaut Dumoulin

  7. Noémie Drevon

    Mahaut Dumoulin

  8. Nathalie Grandhomme

    Evelyne Carter

  9. Mona Petri

    Mona Petri

    Kathrin Zollweger

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Jeune homme

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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