Women Beyond Bollywood (2022)

11/08/2022 (US) 54m
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"I'm known to be a feminist, but I don't do male bashing, because I think men and women need each other, and all we need is a new equation: love and mutual respect." - Aruna Raje. CineVedas Inc. presents Women Beyond Bollywood, a film in which women filmmakers in India are challenging Bollywood's misogynistic tropes, venturing into taboo territories with dramatic, realistic, and subversive films. In Women Beyond Bollywood, director Rahila Bootwala meets with some remarkable women, from doyennes of Indian cinema to vibrant emerging filmmakers. She meets three generations of women who are reshaping the film industry and taking controversial stances on religion, sexuality, marriage, and other taboo subjects. "Women Beyond Bollywood" has opened at the Indian Film Festival (Melbourne, Australia), Tasveer South Asian Film Festival (Seattle, U.S), Through Women's Eyes (Florida, U.S), La Femme International Film Festival (Los Angeles, U.S), Chicago South Asian Film Festival (Chicago, U.S).

  1. Rahila Bootwala


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Women Beyond Bollywood
Women Beyond Bollywood

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Original Language English

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