The Clairvoyant (1976)

1976-01-01 (BG) Music 1h 37m
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A provincial town at the end of the 19th century. An adversary arrives who amazes the women with his incredible predictions. He enters the mayor's house and promises a lot of money to the whole family and to a guest - the priest. Allegedly unbelieving, the priest and the mayor pricked up their ears. The money would come from a young man who had recently arrived in the town. The only new arrival is Mancho - the photographer. The mayor and the priest find their way to him, and soon after the two, and after them other prominent citizens, are entangled in the crook's web, to become victims of his greed...

  1. Хачо Бояджиев


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The Clairvoyant

Original Title Вражалец

Status Released

Original Language Bulgarian

Budget -

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