The Girl (1968)

06/16/1972 (US) Drama 1h 21m
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A young woman leaves a state orphanage to find her mother in this interesting examination of how the overt repression of women in the older pattern of village life has been replaced by the more subtle exploitation inherent in the apparently freer existence of young girls in the contemporary city.

  1. Márta Mészáros

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Kati Kovács

    Kati Kovács

    Szõnyi Erzsi

  2. Teri Horváth

    Teri Horváth


  3. Ádám Szirtes

    Ádám Szirtes


  4. Agárdi Gábor

    Agárdi Gábor

    A züllött szabó

  5. Zsuzsa Pálos

    Zsuzsa Pálos


  6. András Kozák

    András Kozák


  7. Harsányi Gábor

    Harsányi Gábor

    Zsámboki Lajos

  8. Ilona Gurnik

    Ilona Gurnik

    Tanárnõ Fóton

  9. Gáspár Jancsó

    (as Jancsó Gáspár)

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Girl
The Girl

Original Title Eltávozott nap

Status Released

Original Language Hungarian

Budget -

Revenue -


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