The Rule of Jenny Pen (2025)

MA 15+ 09/19/2024 (US) ThrillerHorrorDrama 1h 43m
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Confined to a secluded rest home and trapped within his stroke-ridden body, a former Judge must stop an elderly psychopath who employs a child's puppet to abuse the home's residents with deadly consequences.

  1. James Ashcroft

    Director, Writer

  2. Eli Kent


Top Billed Cast

  1. Geoffrey Rush

    Geoffrey Rush

    Stefan Mortensen

  2. John Lithgow

    John Lithgow

    Dave Crealy

  3. George Henare

    George Henare

    Tony Garfield

  4. Nathaniel Lees

    Nathaniel Lees

    Sonny Ausage

  5. Thomas Sainsbury

    Thomas Sainsbury

    Carer Mike

  6. Maaka Pohatu

    Maaka Pohatu

    Dr. Neels

  7. Irene Wood

    Irene Wood

    Olive Shaw

  8. Ian Mune

    Ian Mune

    Howie Wicker

  9. Bruce Phillips

    Bruce Phillips

    Peter Llewyn

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Rule of Jenny Pen
The Rule of Jenny Pen

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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