Inside the Circle (2009)

01/11/2009 (US) Documentary 1h 42m
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If you can hold yourself down in a battle, you can hold yourself down in life.


Capturing the raw power of a grassroots hip-hop movement, INSIDE THE CIRCLE tells the story of two strikingly talented b-boys, Josh and Omar, former best friends who become dance floor rivals. Immersed in the b-boy culture of defiant creativity, Omar rises to international renown, while Josh tangles with the law. Both of them struggle to keep dance at the center of their lives, and the "B-Boy City" competitive events thrown by visionary street dancer Romeo Navarro serve as emotional milestones in their journey to adulthood. Facing off in intense dance battles that mirror the larger events in their lives, Josh and Omar seek meaning and identity "inside the circle." As Romeo aptly observes: "If you can hold yourself down in battle, you can hold yourself down in life."

  1. Marcy Garriott


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Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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