the Occasion (2024)

NR 12/24/2024 (US) DramaComedyFantasy 4h 2m

What's the Occasion


Jack Jarlsberg is a guest to one of the most awkward dinner parties of his life. Invited by his mute friend Boots, Jack explores the stranger parts of the apartment with emphatic glee. Peter Alfred Runsible, the uninvited guest, is on a quest to retrieve all of his belongings after a frustrating breakup with the long standing tenant Shelby Denehee. Her girlfriend Bonnie Watt has made a feast for the eyes and guts of all these broken people. Boots, quiet for his own reasons, takes notes on every little thing that could unlock the mysteries of the Apartment. Shelby would love more than anything for everyone to leave. Together they take an anxiety ridden journey into the human psyche thru bread crumbs, peanuts, and otherworldly delights.

  1. Dylan Coleman-Blount


  2. Dylan Coleman-Blount


  3. Jacob Goldie Goldberg


Top Billed Cast

  1. Steven Guynn

    Jack Jarlsberg

  2. Hannah Mayfield

    Shelby Denehee

  3. Drew Shackleford

    Bonnie Watt

  4. Zachary David Monk

    Peter Alfred Runsible

  5. Jamie Adkins


Full Cast & Crew

the Occasion

Status In Production

Original Language English

Budget $40,000.00

Revenue -


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