Tu madre o la mía: Guerra de suegras (2024)

7 08/02/2024 (ES) Comedy 1h 24m
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Paco and Regina are going to get married, but they don't know that this will unleash a fight between their mothers to see who decides every detail of the wedding. Carmen, Paco's mother, is an expert in sentimental blackmail to get what she wants. While Catalina, Regina's mother, is an expert in using her contacts to pressure and extort people until her slightest whim is fulfilled. Their struggle unleashes a battle of epic proportions, where nothing will be left standing.

  1. Chus Gutiérrez


  2. Sabina Méndez


  3. Marco Lagarde


  4. Ángela Obón


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Tu madre o la mía: Guerra de suegras
Tu madre o la mía: Guerra de suegras

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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