Atikamekw Suns (2024)

2024-04-05 (CA) Drama 1h 43m
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Manawan, 1977. A vehicle falls into a river near a Native community. Two Quebecers managed to escape, but five Atikamekws lost their lives. While the police conclude that it was an accident, the victims’ families are left with unanswered questions. A historical, poetic and choral tale, Soleils Atikamekw is inspired by the dreams, impressions and memories of the relatives of the five victims. In an intimate, humanistic approach, the filmmaker involves the families both in front of and behind the camera. Documentary and fiction come together in a deeply moving film about grief, injustice and memory.

  1. Chloé Leriche

    Director, Writer

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Atikamekw Suns
Atikamekw Suns

Original Title Soleils Atikamekw

Status Released

Original Language Cree

Budget -

Revenue -


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