Ten Minutes from Naturists (2012)

06/11/2012 (FR) ComedyTV Movie 1h 28m
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Family caretakers Brussels advantage of the absence of his patrons to exchange a beautiful property against a holiday villa in Sunset Island ... They just did not know a small detail: Island Sunset is 100% nude! Meanwhile, the Levantains arrive in Brussels to promote a directive that could undress throughout Europe...

  1. Stéphane Clavier


  2. Jean-Luc Goossens


Top Billed Cast

  1. Lionel Abelanski

    Lionel Abelanski

    Michel Morin, concierge des Langlois

  2. Christine Citti

    Christine Citti

    Valérie Morin, concierge des Langlois

  3. Bruno Ricci

    Bruno Ricci

    Patrick Dulac, naturiste militant

  4. Maëva Pasquali

    Maëva Pasquali

    Laure Dulac, naturiste militante

  5. Macha Méril

    Macha Méril

    Suzy Dulac, tante de Patrick

  6. Marie Pape

    Marie Pape

    Catherine, naturiste maman de Léa

  7. Jean-Baptiste Fonck

    Jean-Baptiste Fonck

    Sam Morin, fils de Michel & Valérie

  8. Catherine Jacob

    Catherine Jacob

    Solange Langlois

  9. Philippe Magnan

    Philippe Magnan

    Édouard Langlois, eurodéputé conservateur

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Ten Minutes from Naturists
Ten Minutes from Naturists

Original Title À dix minutes des naturistes

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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