Blue hour (2011)

03/26/2011 (DE) 1h 15m
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16-year-old Niklas is schizophrenic and has trouble distinguishing between reality and dreams. After he failed the 10th grade, his last summer holidays begin. Instead of using the time for parties and girls, Niklas withdraws. But then he meets Lotta and seems to be able to overcome his illness. Everything is going well at the beginning until he makes a serious mistake.

  1. Erik Schiesko

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Niclas Greschke


  2. Lotta Brand


  3. Michael Becker

    Freund der Mutter

  4. Andrea Kulka


  5. Fritz Tudyka

    Guter Freund von Lotta

  6. Florian Donath

    Verrückter Flo

  7. Max Wuttke

    Verrückter Max

  8. Johann Heyn

    Verrückter Johann

  9. Ruth-Maria Thomas

    Mädchen auf Festival

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Blaue Stunde

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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