Un novio para dos hermanas (1967)

07/06/1967 (MX) ComedyMusic 1h 47m
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Pili and uncle Angel travel to Mexico to see Mili dancing at her debut in a theater in the capital. When Mili finds out the bad economic situation of her uncle, she decides to seek work. Meanwhile, Pili works in a department store and meets Rodolfo, the grandson of Mrs. Caceres, owner of the store, which she takes for the chauffeur of the lady. In turn, Ms. Caceres hires Mili to dance at her party, where she meets and falls for Rodolfo. Rodolfo, who does not know of the existence of a twin sister, is convinced that the girl in the party is Pili. And the sisters do not know they are in love with the same man, which will lead to an unexpected conflict.

  1. Luis César Amadori

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Roberto Gómez Bolaños


  3. Jesús María de Arozamena


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Un novio para dos hermanas
Un novio para dos hermanas

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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